
Shadow optimized layout planning for solar fields

To assure a most economic and efficient design ofyour PV-plant, AquaSoli is providing you the surface measurement with Leica Geosystems as the basis for the 3D surface model.

3D model of the Zugspitze mountain
(3D model of the Zugspitze mountain)
With that information the shadow optimized layout planning for any kind of mounting system could be designed. The shadow optimized layout planning aims at the highest cost effectiveness between costs and electric earning per year.
Layout planning of as solar-plant in Autocad
(Layout planning of as solar-plant in Autocad)
We are able to interlace all required parameters for each solar field and to convert them with 3D model to a complete CAD file of the whole field. That will include the mounting system all buildings and roads. If it is needed, we can provide the ramming plan of the fundaments with all coordinates and to mark these positions on site.


Testloadings on foundations

According to all technical rules for pilefoundations the most efficient investigation for the basement design are testloadings on site with the projected piles. Theoretical calculations of pile embedment depths and dimension based on conventional geotechnical investigations are added with much higher safety factors, so the pile size or the embedment depth might be taller than necessary or even much to shallow!

Testloadings on mini steel piles on a 62 MWp PV -park
(Testloadings on mini steel piles on a 62 MWp PV -park)
Also the feasibility study (acc. to EC7) of the pile installation, which can sometimes be difficult due to obstacles in the building ground, can only be achieved along with testloadings. With testing different shaped piles at one time the best profile or installation method can be chosen.
Destroyed by obstacle - ramming profile during testloading feasibility study
(Destroyed by obstacle - ramming profile during testloading feasibility study)
By using our services, your company can save time and money, as well as reduce the risks concerning feasibility, costs and delays/connection of the plant with the grid.

Ground Investigation

With the evaluation of direct outcrops (drillings or excavated pits), indirect methods (dynamic probing or vane tests) on site with the corresponding laboratory work the building ground for roads and supplies can be verified.

This investigation can be achieved in one step with the testloadings for the power plant. The report about the building ground and the testloadings is the basis for dran, verification and achievement of the mounting system and the foundation design of buildings, roads an drainage systems.

If needed, we also rate the corrosion potential of the soil and the abrasiveness at concrete.

Ground surveys nearby Tuscania/Italy
(Ground surveys nearby Tuscania/Italy)

Foundation Design

PV-plants and their supplying buildings have to be founded safe and economic. AquaSoli is able to achieve the whole concept for foundation and the necessary geotechnical proofs for public authorities.

Simulation of impacts on pile foundation
(Simulation of impacts on pile foundation)
According to the building ground conditions our engineers are able to provide you with mini steel pile- / Helix pile- or spread food foundations for an economic and safe solution. The design of roads, drainage systems and buildings are calculated with specific computer programmes based on the results of the ground survey.
Design ofa spread foot foundation
(Design ofa spread foot foundation)

Electrical works design

The economic and efficient planning of all cables, connections and transformer stations became an important part of our work scope. AquaSoli, with its qualified technical staff, field specialists and specific software tools, provides high quality electrical design for the PV-plants and PV-roof systems.

Electrical calculations in detail
(Electrical calculations in detail)
Before building a solar power plant it is important to get to know exactly about the material (PV module, cable length etc.) needed on site. Therefore AquaSoli proposes precise quantity calculation solutions to save time and money on your investment.

Voltage drop calculation

At the moment the life time of a PV-plant is about 25 - 30 years. During this period, the most important criteria is effective and high quality energy production, this is guaranteed by scientific voltage drop and selectivity calculations for each main load group in the PV system.

PV cable selection

Indepedend from the place the project will be erected AquaSoli selects the proper cable type & size by taking IEC or NEC standards into account; as a result of scientific calculations.
Different cable size & type source: South Wire
(Different cable size & type source: South Wire)

Single line diagram

Simplified notation of the PV-plant power system helps to get an overview on power flow through all power related devices. AquaSoli also proposes electrical single line diagram regarding to the specific PVplant.
Typical representation for PV-plant eledrical system
(Typical representation for PV-plant eledrical system)

Cost Benefit Analysis

By performing dynamic cost-effective analyses and cost-benefit analyses, we help our customers to compare the potential returns through investment in different project alternatives to gain renewable energies.

We homogenize the time course of primary investments as well as consequential costs and proceeds by discounting different scenarios regarding costs and proceeds considered in sensitivity analysis. Soft information is disputed and weighed to obtain a profound prognosis and an all-embracing and reliable basis for decision-making.

Development plans and aerial surveys

It is our number one priority at AquaSoli to consider public and private concerns as well as the conservation of nature when we deliver development plans and aerial surveys for projects of renewable energies.