150 MWp AC Project in Western US looks for Development Partner

150MWp AC Ground Mount Solarfarm in Nevada:

Landlease holder looks for partner to co-develop the project including interconnection & PPAs.

  • Size: 842 acres
  • Solar Irradiance: very high (south-west of the USA)
  • Property: flat land in the desert
  • Location: Amargosa Valley, Nye county
  • Shortest way to a 138 kV Powerline: ca. 1.5 miles
  • Interconection with the CAISO grid planned
  • INTERESTED? Write an email to PartnerForNevadaWanted@solvivo.eu to request NDA and further information
120MWp Solarfarm in Nevada

120MWp Solarfarm in Nevada

Pre-Site Assessment Evaluation And Feasibility Reports

Pre-Site Assessment Evaluation And Feasibility Reports


Plan for project success with a bench top geotechnical evaluation and conceptual design prior to site visits.

Sample project location

Vet sites, plan field investigations, compare conceptual design, estimate production and development cost without setting foot on site.  Starting with an address and 10 years of experience, AquaSoli can remotely produce planning level site assessments, designs and estimates.


Topographical overlay

Pre-Site Assessment Reports provide:

  • Foundation forecasts
  • Deployable areas for PV
  • Conceptual layout
  • Production estimates
  • Development cost estimates


Soils map

Based on research and evaluation of regional and local geology as well as a 1000 project database AquaSoli can characterize soils and terrain to predict foundation requirements.  With slope and grade analysis we can estimate deployable area, row spacing and production capacity.  These elements provide the basis for generating a terrain specific conceptual layout and BOM.  With the clients own evaluation criteria and cost assumptions we can provide planning level development costs.

Reports can include siting evaluation, utility proximity and capacity and “soft costs” like land use and public opinion.  They can reflect custom rack specifications.  Alternatively, they can be scoped to provide limited features like geotechnical evaluation and foundation forecast only or analysis of deployable area.

Shade analysis

Vet multiple sites for development feasibility or evaluate alternative conceptual designs and optimize production potential.  Pre-Site Assessment results including layouts, can be directly incorporated into detailed design so there are no lost resources.

Want to learn more? – Contact us at info@aquasoli.com or call +1 415 230 2062