Meet our AquaSoli Team in San Diego – at the InterSolar North America!

Meet AquaSoli at InterSolar North America

AquaSoli’s Engineering Team runs for you at InterSolar Trade Show …

Meet us at Intersolar in SAN DIEGO

25th – 27Th of FEBRUARY 2025


Aengre you ready to meet AquaSoli at InterSolar (25th to 27th of February) in San Diego? If you decide quickly, please contact our secretariat: Mrs. Rumi Shirahama will be happy to schedule an appointment with you and  our sales team:

deutschMöchten Sie AquaSoli auf der InterSolar (25.10.-27.02.2025) in San Diego zu treffen? Bitte kontaktieren Sie unser Sekretariat: Frau Rumi Shirahama vereinbart gerne mit Ihnen und unserem Sales Team einen Termin:

AquaSoli Consulting Services – Our expertise explained in brief (Part 3 of 3)


Site Survey

AquaSoli provides site surveys in any phase of your project.

We can visit potential land and carry out a feasibility study before planning and construction starts. During construction we can supervise the construction process.

For commissioning we can support you with the final inspection and we also offer regular inspections throughout the lifespan of your PV-plant.


Review of existing Design

It is often helpful to get a second expert opinion about the quality of design documents. With our know-how and experience we can analyze and assess existing design documents.

We can indentify opportunites for improvement and optimize the design.

AquaSoli Geotechnical Services – Our expertise explained in brief (Part 2 of 3)


Load Tests

According to all technical rules and standards for pile foundations the most efficient investigation for the foundation design is load tests on site with the projected piles.


The piles are installed on site whereas the duration of installation can be measured. Installation difficulties or obstructions are identified.

After installation, load tests are performed in axial compression, axial tension and horizontal direction. The resistances of the piles are measured directly and the foundation design can be done.

Geological & Geotechnical Survey

With the evaluation of direct outcrops (drillings or excavated pits), indirect methods (dynamic probing or SWS Test) on site with the corresponding laboratory work the building ground parameters can be determined.

Soilmechanical Laboratory

Soilmechanical Laboratory

Corrosion Analysis

The evaluation of the Corrosion potential of soil has become a very important part of foundation design. The corrosivity depends on the chemical and physical parameters of the soil. AquaSoli performs the necessary analyses and determines the aggressiveness of the soil towards steel and concrete.

AquaSoli Planning Services – Our expertise explained in brief (Part 1 of 3)


Preliminary Layout: Fast and economic

In the first step, it is often necessary to get an impression of a potential new project. A decision has to be made on whether it is worth pursuing the project further or not.

In this step it is required to keep the efforts and costs as small as possible. Therefore we provide preliminary module layouts based on (public) available terrain data.

This preliminary layout can be done for a low budget, but is already detailed enough for estimating the quality of a potential PV-plant and executing a cost-benefit analysis.


Detailed 3D Layout Plan

Planning PV-parks, including all necessary parameters is a very complex process. The optimal design is affected by:


  • Table Configuration
    • Module type
    • Arrangement of modules
    • Inclination of modules
    • Single post or double post system
    • Fixed tilt system or tracker
    • Azimuth
  • Sun Angle which depends on
    • Geographic position
    • Date
    • Time
  • Tolerable grade of row-to-row shading
  • Presence of shading objects
  • Topography
  • Electrical parameters like
    • String length
    • Inverter size and location
    • Transformer size and location
    • Cable trenches
  • Clearance parameters, necessary for construction and maintenance
    • Minimum row-to-row distance
    • Construction and Maintenance roads


All these parameters are considered in our layouts. AquaSoli’s planning team comprises electrical, civil and environmental engineers.

Equipped with a wide range of tools and applications and a great knowhow our team performs complete shading simulations to adjust the layout and find the optimal solution and to reach the target defined together with the client.



Digital Terrain Model

The digital terrain model (DTM), together with the geographic location is the basis for our layout planning.

For final layout planning, an exact digital terrain model is required in order to display the terrain conditions as detailed as possible. The surface of the terrain is scanned on site by a geodetic survey.

Common approaches for geodetic site surveys include:

  • GPS measurement
  • Photogrammetric drone survey

Both services are provided by AquaSoli. Based on data collected by a geodetic survey, a digital terrain model is created and analyzed with regard to slopes and directions. The DTM is used for detailed layout planning in 3D CAD software.


Digital Terrain Model


If the shape of the terrain does not fulfill the requirements for a beneficial PV-plant, we also offer grading plans for adjusting the terrain by cut-and fill works.


Grading Plan

A flat or smoothly south sloped terrain is the most suitable for construction and efficiency of a PV-plant.

The available land for solar often cannot meet these requirements. In order to prevent a complicated construction phase and an ineffective PV plant caused by big distances between the rows or big losses by shading, it is often the best solution to adjust the land according to the requirements.

The execution of the grading plans is carried out by AquaSoli according to the requirements of clients and authorities. Aquasoli uses 3D CAD Software to plan the optimal Cut-and Fill Design based on a digital terrain model. Cut- and fill volumes are determined with high accuracy.


Cut & Fill Plan

Cut & Fill Plan

Drainage Design

A working drainage system is recommended for all PV plants – especially for graded terrain. AquaSoli performs the design of this drainage system, consisting of drainage channels and ponds. The layout and dimensioning of drainage channels and ponds are based on the digital terrain model. Requirements of clients and authorities and rain fall data are considered.


Construction- and Maintenance-Roads

In order to ensure a smooth construction phase, a working infrastructure with roads and storage areas is required. Also after finishing construction maintenance-roads are necessary.

Depending on the soil conditions and the intensity of traffic, AquaSoli designs the structure of the maintenance- and construction-roads and storage areas.

Erosion Protection

Heavy rainfall can cause erosion of the surface. To prevent expensive improvements of erosion and resulting damages of structures, AquaSoli performs the design of erosion protection considering the slope of terrain, soil conditions and rainfall intensity.


Electrical layout and String Plan

Positioning of electrical components like combiner boxes, inverter, and transformer, as well as planning the string configuration is carried out by AquaSoli.

We consider in our electrical planning economical and technical aspects and have the target to save cable length and reduce cable losses.

Cable Trench Design

Based on the electrical layout and string plan we can arrange the cable trench layout as well as the arrangement of cables within the trenches and the resulting size of the trenches.

We provide the cable trench layout and cross-sections of cable trenches.

Single Line Diagram

Single-line diagrams, which represent the electrical hierarchy of DC- and AC-rated power systems in PV plants, are a key output in the electrical planning phase. AquaSoli prepares a single-line diagram showing the proper power distribution path from the incoming power source to each sub-component, and includes the rate and size of all electrical equipment, their circuit conductors and protective devices.


Stake Out Plan

After layout planning has been completed and before construction can start, it is necessary to mark the positions of arrays, stations, fences, roads and other construction elements on site.

Therefore, we provide stake out plans for marking the locations of specific points like pile’s locations or corners of stations.

Stake Out Plan

Stake Out Plan

Staking Out

Staking out of specific positions on site is supplied by AquaSoli.

With GPS surveying device, we can mark all necessary locations on-site according to the layout and stake-out plan with an accuracy of a few cm.

Staking our via terrestrial GPS

Staking out via terrestrial GPS

20 years AquaSoli – The anniversary seminar during InterSolar 2023 was well attended / Das Jubiläumsseminar zur InterSolar 2023 war gut besucht



The AquaSoli Solarengineering Team is happy together with our customers about the successful anniversary seminar on 15th of June 2023. Enjoy together with us the photo gallery:

deutschDas AquaSoli Solarengineering Team freut sich gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden über das gelungene Jubiläumsseminar vom 15.6.2023. Genießen Sie gemeinsam mit uns die Fotostrecke:


CEO Jürgen Schmid & Catering Team: Carl, Sarah, Natalia


The special non-alcoholic drink of the day in AquaSoli logo colors red and blue …

Der besondere alkoholfreie Drink des Tages in den AquaSoli-Logofarben rot und blau…

AquaSoli - Drinks

… mixed by our bartender Simon

…gemixt von unserem Bartender Simon …



Dr.-Ing. Aondio talks about the structural analysis of mounting systems and the latest achievements in the structural analysis of PV mounting systems.

Dr.-Ing. Aondio spricht über die statische Berechnung von Montagesystemen und die neuesten Errungenschaften bei der statischen Berechnung von PV-Montagesystemen


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ruscheweyh talks about the further development of wind load approaches in photovoltaics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ruscheweyh referiert über die Weiterentwicklung der Windlastansätze in der Photovoltaik


Our distinguished guests – customers and partners – engage in lively discussions with our speakers.

Unsere verehrten Gäste – Kunden und Partner – diskutieren angeregt mit unseren Referenten.


Together with our customers & partners we look forward to the next two decades of commitment to renewable energy!

Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden und Partnern freuen wir uns auf die nächsten zwei Jahrzehnte Einsatz für Erneuerbare Energie!

Join AquaSolis Anniversary Seminar at InterSolar 2023 in Munich



The AquaSoli Solarengineering Team is pleased to celebrate together with you 20 years of project experience in a Bavarian way
and invites you for Thursday, 15.6.2023, to a
Technical Seminar & Bavarian lunch

Start: 10 am
End:    1 pm


09:30 am – Pick-up of guests at the Intersolar trade fair with shared taxis
& Welcome by Jürgen Schmid, Managing Director of AquaSoli

10:00 am  –  Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Schmid:
„Damage prevention in geotechnical engineering of ground-mounted PV systems“

10:30 am – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aondio:
„Economic efficiency through proximity to reality –
Latest achievements in the structural analysis of PV mounting systems“

11:00 am – M.Eng, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) J. King:
„Atmospheric and terrestrial corrosion of PV ground-mounted steel structures“

11:30 am – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ruscheweyh:
„Further development of wind load approaches in photovoltaics“

 12:00 am – Bavarian lunch

0:45 pm – Shuttle bus back to the InterSolar exhibition

1:00 pm – Arrival at the InterSolar exhibition


Registration requested by June 9 by email to

AquaSoli-JubiläumsSeminar zur InterSolar 2023 in München



German Flag

deutsche Fassung

Das AquaSoli Solarengineering Team freut sich gemeinsam mit Ihnen 20 Jahre Projekterfahrung auf bayerische Art zu feiern
und lädt Sie für Donnerstag, den 15.6.2023, zu
Fachseminar & Bayerischem Mittagessen

Start: 10 Uhr
Ende: 13 Uhr


09:30 Uhr – Abholung der Gäste an der Intersolar-Messe mit Sammeltaxis
& Begrüßung durch Jürgen Schmid, Geschäftsführer von AquaSoli

10:00 Uhr  –  Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Schmid:
„Schadensvermeidung in der Geotechnik von PV-Freiflächenanlagen“

10:30 Uhr – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aondio:
„Wirtschaftlichkeit durch Nähe zur Realität –
Neueste Errungenschaften bei der statischen Berechnung von PV-Montagesystemen

 11:00 Uhr – M.Eng, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) J. King:
„Atmosphärische und terrestrische Korrosion von PV-Freiflächen-Stahlkonstruktionen“

 11:30 Uhr – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ruscheweyh:
„Weiterentwicklung der Windlastansätze in der Photovoltaik“

12:00 Uhr – Bayerisches Mittagessen

12:45 Uhr – Shuttlebus zurück zur InterSolar Messe

13:00 Uhr – Rückkunft auf der InterSolar Messe



Anmeldung erbeten bis 9. Juni per email an