Building ground defects – Who should be held responsible? // Wer steht für Baugrundfehler gerade?

PISA_Wflagge englischBuilding ground defects – Who should be held responsible?                                                                                                                                                                 Across the world the risk due to ground defects is carried by different entities, for example in German-speaking countries, the Ordering Party is responsible for the risks arising from the properties of the soil; the additional costs occurring from poor soil and water conditions are borne by them. On the other hand, in English-speaking countries, it is somewhat easier for the Ordering Party to transfer the risk to the Construction company, but here, too, the risk of years of litigation between building parties can be minimized by engaging a qualified geotechnical engineering firm. It is therefore in the best interest of both to investigate the ground in sufficient detail and have a technically sound foundation design prepared by a geotechnical specialist…. AquaSoli already has almost twenty years of experience in designing foundations for ground-mounted solar installations. During test piling, AquaSoli’s experienced team, in close to 30 countries around the world, has tested and evaluated several hundred thousand steel and concrete piles, helping to reduce foundation costs, geotechnical risks and improve the financing and insurability of solar projects.

GermanFlagBaugrundfehler – Wer soll dafür gerade stehen?

Der Bauherr haftet in den deutschsprachigen Ländern für die Eigenschaften des Baugrundes; aus überraschend schlechten Baugrundverhältnissen resultierende Mehrkosten gehen zu Lasten des Bauherren. Daher liegt es in dessen ureigenstem Interesse den Baugrund hinreichend genau zu erkunden und einen technisch sauberen Gründungsentwurf durch ein geotechnisches Büro erarbeiten zu lassen. … In englisch-sprachigen Ländern hingegen fällt es dem Auftraggeber bzw. Bauherren etwas leichter, die Risiken auf die Baufirma abzuwälzen, aber auch hier lässt sich das Risiko jahrelanger Rechtsstreitigkeiten zwischen Bauparteien durch die Einschaltung eines qualifizierten Geotechnikbüros minimieren. AquaSoli hat nun mittlerweile fast zwei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung mit Baugrundgutachten (“Bodengutachten”) für Ein- und Mehrfamilienhäuser, für Ingenieurbauwerke und mit der Gründungsplanung für Solarfreiflächen-Projekte. Während Proberammungen wurden vom erfahrenen AquaSoli-Team weltweit mehrere Hunderttausend Stahlpfähle und Betonpfähle in ca. 30 Ländern Probebelastungen unterzogen und ausgewertet.  Das hilft,  Gründungskosten & geotechnische Risiken zu senken und Finanzierbarkeit wie auch Versicherbarkeit herzustellen.

Spanisch_flagDefectos del subsuelo – ¿Quién debe ser responsable?

En los países de habla alemana, el constructor es responsable de las propiedades del subsuelo; los costes adicionales derivados de unas condiciones del subsuelo sorprendentemente malas corren a cargo del constructor. Por lo tanto, al cliente le interesa explorar el subsuelo con suficiente detalle y contar con un diseño de cimentación técnicamente sólido elaborado por una oficina geotécnica. … En cambio, en los países anglófonos es más fácil que el cliente transfiera los riesgos al constructor-propietario….AquaSoli cuenta ahora con casi dos décadas de experiencia en el diseño de cimientos para proyectos solares montados en el suelo. Durante el hincado de pilotes de prueba, varios cientos de miles de pilotes de acero y de hormigón han sido sometidos a cargas de prueba y evaluados por el experimentado equipo de AquaSoli en unos 30 países de todo el mundo. Esto ayuda a reducir los costes de cimentación y los riesgos geotécnicos y a establecer la financiabilidad y la asegurabilidad.

Défauts du terrain de construction – qui doit en répondre ?

Dans les pays germanophones, le maître d’ouvrage est responsable des propriétés du sol de fondation ; les coûts supplémentaires résultant de mauvaises conditions de sol surprenantes sont à la charge du maître d’ouvrage. Il est donc dans l’intérêt de ce dernier d’étudier le terrain avec suffisamment de précision et de faire élaborer un projet de fondation techniquement correct par un bureau géotechnique. … Dans les pays anglophones, en revanche, il est un peu plus facile pour le client de reporter les risques sur le maître d’ouvrage…AquaSoli a maintenant presque deux décennies d’expérience dans la planification des fondations pour les projets solaires au sol. Au cours des essais de battage, l’équipe expérimentée d’AquaSoli a soumis à des charges d’essai plusieurs centaines de milliers de pieux en acier et en béton dans environ 30 pays et les a évalués. Cela permet de réduire les coûts de fondation et les risques géotechniques, ainsi que d’établir la viabilité financière et l’assurabilité.
Rumaenien_flagDefectele subsolului – Cine ar trebui să fie responsabil?

În țările vorbitoare de limbă germană, clientul este răspunzător pentru proprietățile subsolului; costurile suplimentare care rezultă din condițiile surprinzător de proaste ale subsolului sunt suportate de către client. Prin urmare, este în interesul clientului să exploreze subsolul suficient de detaliat și să obțină un proiect de fundație solid din punct de vedere tehnic pregătit de un birou geotehnic. … Pe de altă parte, în țările vorbitoare de limbă engleză, este ceva mai ușor pentru client să transfere riscurile către constructorul-proprietar….AquaSoli are acum aproape două decenii de experiență în proiectarea fundațiilor pentru proiecte solare montate la sol.  În timpul încercărilor de batere a piloților, câteva sute de mii de piloți din oțel și piloți din beton au fost supuși la sarcini de testare și au fost evaluați de echipa experimentată AquaSoli în aproximativ 30 de țări din întreaga lume. Acest lucru ajută la reducerea costurilor de fundație și a riscurilor geotehnice și la stabilirea finanțabilității și asigurabilității.

Polen_flagWady gruntów budowlanych – kto ponosi odpowiedzialność?

W krajach niemieckojęzycznych za ryzyko wynikające z właściwości gruntu budowlanego odpowiada zleceniodawca; dodatkowe koszty wynikające z złych warunków gruntowo-wodnych ponosi on. Z drugiej strony w krajach anglojęzycznych zleceniodawcy jest nieco łatwiej przenieść ryzyko na wykonawcę. Dlatego też w interesie obu, zleceniodawcy i wykonawcy, leży szczegółowe zbadanie gruntów i zlecenie biuru geotechnicznemu sporządzenia prawidłowego pod względem technicznym projektu fundamentów… AquaSoli posiada już prawie dwudziestoletnie doświadczenie w projektowaniu fundamentów pod naziemne instalacje solarne. Doświadczony  zespół AquaSoli poddał podczas próbnego palowania kilkaset tysięcy pali stalowych i betonowych w około 30 krajach próbom obciążeniowym i dokonał ich oceny co pomogło obniżyć koszty fundamentów, ryzyko geotechniczne oraz poprawić finansowanie i ubezpieczalność projektów solarnych.


Capture 建物の地盤の瑕疵 – 誰が責任を負うべきか?





Are you ready to meet AquaSoli at InterSolar in Munich?

intersolar 2021


AquaSoli’s Engineering Team runs for you at InterSolar Trade Show …

Meet us at Intersolar in Munich

6th – 8h of October 2021

Aengre you ready to meet AquaSoli at InterSolar (6.10.-8.10.2021) in Munich? If you decide quickly, please contact our secretariat: Ms. Charlotte Bachmann will be happy to make an appointment with you and our CEO Jürgen Schmid or another AquaSoli team member at +49-89-62233768-0 or

deutschMöchten Sie AquaSoli auf der InterSolar (6.10.-8.10.2021) in München zu treffen? Schnellentschlossene rufen bitte unser Sekretariat an: Frau Charlotte Bachmann vereinbart unter der +49-89-62233768-0 oder gerne einen Termin mit Ihnen und unserem CEO Jürgen Schmid oder einem anderen Team-Mitglied von AquaSoli.

COVID-19 Update

Dear customers,
In the last few days, we probably all had to find solutions for the new and unusual situation with the coronavirus.

Pile driver machine

AquaSoli continues its activity to satisfy the project needs of its customers …. and above all, there is the hope that despite the corona virus crisis, the necessary transition of the energy sectors will continue.

The AquaSoli team has adapted to the current situation; our office team is continuing working from home. If possible we hold customer meetings and internal meetings via video conference or telephone. At the same time we continue our engineering & planning work nearly unhindered. Field work on construction sites also continues as well as possible with the existing travel restrictions; the risk of infection outdoors is correspondingly low.

As AquaSoli, we see our priority as being to protect our partners, customers and employees as best we can, while continuing to work on our projects. Modern communication technology offers a great variety of possibilities in this time; we are amazed how well it actually works and we can maintain normal business operations.

It is very important to us that we do not lose sight of the original climate crisis – despite the current crisis situation.

We live in the hope that the virus crisis will show us all and prove how the country, society and ultimately the entire world can effectively tackle and eliminate a threatening problem.

Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have current questions or concerns. We understand the limitations in your working environment. We are particularly pleased that everyone is trying to have and discuss ideas for future projects right now.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us!

We thank you for your support and your adaptability in these times!


Your AquaSoli Engineeering Team

150 MWp AC Project in Western US looks for Development Partner

150MWp AC Ground Mount Solarfarm in Nevada:

Landlease holder looks for partner to co-develop the project including interconnection & PPAs.

  • Size: 842 acres
  • Solar Irradiance: very high (south-west of the USA)
  • Property: flat land in the desert
  • Location: Amargosa Valley, Nye county
  • Shortest way to a 138 kV Powerline: ca. 1.5 miles
  • Interconection with the CAISO grid planned
  • INTERESTED? Write an email to to request NDA and further information
120MWp Solarfarm in Nevada

120MWp Solarfarm in Nevada

AquaSoli ready to serve Clients with Projects in Australia

AquaSoli continues to serve Ground Mount Solar Projects in Australia: After several hundred MWp completed with engineering delivered by AquaSoli the success story goes on …

No doubt you are aware of the huge renewable energy potential in Australia.

Through our strategic alliance partner based in Adelaide, South Australia AquaSoli frequently receives project updates directly from participants in the market as well as through industry bodies. While there are still considerable challenges in the areas of regulation, connection and policies, the projections for the next decade and beyond are exciting.

At AquaSoli we have embarked on a medium – to long-term high growth strategy for this market “down under”. We wonder if you would consider our company to provide the same high-quality geo-engineering services, which you have already come to expect from us elsewhere, for your next project in Australia.

To this extent we would appreciate if you would provide us with the contact details of the most appropriate local manager, so that our Australian partner can introduce himself.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

AquaSoli GmbH & Co. KG

AquaSoli Head of Sales Australia

Ekkehard Groskreutz – AquaSoli Head of Sales & Energy Consultant Australia


Ekkehard Groskreutz

Head of Sales & Energy Consultant

Tel. T:61 08 8243 2174, Mob:+61 0421 071 280

How the name AquaSoli was born…

How the name AquasSoli was born…

How the name of AquaSoli was born

How the name of AquaSoli was born

The following excursion into Latin language may serve as an explanation, and we thought it may also be a good idea to explain the name in our AquaSoli blog here:

Aqua=Water [lat.], because it plays an important role in and on the soil

[soil strength is influenced by water content, and flood protection is also a topic for AquaSoli

Soli=Genitive from Solum=Soil [lat.]

Sol=Sun [lat.]

i=ingenium [lat.] = invention, ingenuity, mind, understanding, talent => basis for the word “engineer

For the time being in this year we wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed time with your beloved ones!

AquaSoli GmbH & Co. KG

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AquaSoli supports the SC Moosham – AquaSoli unterstützt den SC Moosham


IMG_1959_SC Moosham bild

flagge englischAquaSoli supports the SC Moosham

SC Moosham operates one of the most beautiful ski trails in the foothills of the Alps south of Munich.

The two AquaSoli shareholders, Jürgen Schmid and Manfred Karl, were pleased to present a donation to SC Moosham.

AquaSoli supports the SC Moosham, as the harmony of mind and body is also important in solar engineering in order to achieve and maintain a top team performance.

AquaSoli unterstützt den SC Moosham deutsch

Der SC Moosham betreibt eine der schönsten Ski-Loipen im Voralpenraum südlich von München.

Die beiden AquaSoli-Gesellschafter, Jürgen Schmid und Manfred Karl freuten sich, eine Spende an den SC Moosham überreichen zu können.

AquaSoli unterstützt den SC Moosham, da auch beim Solar-Engineering der Einklang von Seele, Geist und Körper wichtig sind, um dauerhaft eine Spitzen-Teamleistung im Dienste der Kunden bringen zu können.